Onneki is about a RPGMaker2003 game about a young woman facing a life threatening illness, as she rots away in her apartment.You can explore what her hobbies and interests are within the game, as you spend the final days with her.You can also interact with her through her [blog] (https://108chan.tumblr.com)Explore the mind of a young girl rotting away in her bedroom, as she's unable to cry and seek help.瘟疫は、RPGMaker2003のゲームで、生命を脅かす病気に直面し、アパートで朽ち果てる若い女性の話である。彼女の趣味や興味が何であるかは、彼女と最後の日々を過ごす中で、ゲーム内で探ることができる。泣いて助けを求めることもできず、寝室で朽ち果てていく少女の心を探る。


Unbound is a series about futuristic humans, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder manifesting into super powers. The abilities have consequences, as it can easily backfire if the user doesn't confront their trauma.The main character Eleanor seeks out her best friend who was kidnapped, and finds out how truly corrupt this system is.Explore the universe of Unbound, and meet the colorful cast of characters! There's a sequel referred to Rebound.アンバウンドは、近未来的な人類を描いたシリーズで、心的外傷後ストレス障害が超能力となって現れる。使用者がトラウマに立ち向かわなければ、その能力は簡単に裏目に出てしまう。主人公のエレノアは誘拐された親友を探し求め、このシステムがいかに腐敗しているかを知る。アンバウンドの世界を探検し、色とりどりの登場人物に会いましょう!リバウンドには続編がある。

Decay Theory

Decay Theory is a RPGMakerMV game about parasites taking over a city in Japan, you play as the successor of their leader.Avoid getting caught by people, and police in order to progress within the storyline. Control the minds of people, and create an alibi to avoid getting caught with murder.Collect the body parts in the apartment complex you and your people are hiding away in. And whatever you do, don't feel pity for your victims.ディケイ・セオリーRPGMakerMVのゲームで、パラサイト日本の都市を征服するというもので、あなたは彼らのリーダー後継者としてプレイします。ストーリーを進展させるために、人々や警察に捕まらないようにすること。*人々の心を操り、殺人で捕まらないようにアリバイを作る。あなたたちが隠れている集合住宅死体の一部*を集めてください。そして何をするにしても、犠牲者に哀れみを感じるな。

Preliminary Trials Of Reincarnation

Preliminary Trials Of Reincarnation is about a tribe of sea youkai who were banished to Jigoku. Living without sun, and having to resort to drastic measures to stay alive.The tribe puts 100 human souls into one being, in a attempt to create a savior for their tribe.The main character's curious nature drives her to seek the world outside of their home, only to find out that there are multiple layers of this hell, and each layer is always worse than the last.輪廻転生の予備試験』は、地獄に追放された海の妖怪の一族の話である。太陽のない生活、生きるために思い切った手段をとらなければならない。その部族は、部族の救世主を作ろうと、100人の人間の魂1つの存在**に入れる。好奇心旺盛な主人公は、自分たちの家の外にある世界を探し求めるが、この 地獄 には幾重もの層があり、それぞれの層は常に前の層よりも悪くなっていることを知る。


Rebound is a sequel to Unbound, it continues as Eleanor's sister who is the leader of the mafia. After catching wind that multiple of her allies are being wiped out, she does some investigation only to uncover it's the Queen's daughter causing this mess.Rebound delves into the controversial topic of execution, whether it's justified or not. It explores both sides of the argument.Rebound brings back your favorite characters with a new style, and world building!リバウンドは、解禁の続編で、マフィアのリーダーであるエレノアの妹が活躍する。複数の味方が一掃されつつあるとの情報をキャッチした彼女は、調査を行うが、この混乱を引き起こしているのが女王の娘であることが判明する。リバウンドでは、処刑が正当か否かという物議を醸す話題について掘り下げている。両者の言い分を探ります。リバウンドは、新しいスタイルであなたのお気に入りのキャラクターを復活させ、世界を構築します!**。

Meet the protagonists!


Kaine is a young woman with a life threatening illness. She isn't fully aware of what she's doing. She struggles to complete daily tasks correctly, and uses the internet as escapism.Born in Japan, Post WW2, she grew up struggling with stigma from that time.She owns a blog that she uses to write on, even if nobody writes back to her, she's convinced she has an audience. She's very possessive of Akako.She loves videogames, 2chan, and the internet as a whole. She loves MOTHER, and dislikes Dragon Quest. Her favorite colour is pink. Kaine has trouble distinguishing right from wrong, and can't seem to detect danger very well.


Akako is a young woman, and the other side of Kaine. The two are like night and day, complete opposites of each other.Akako enjoys going to school, and hanging out with friends. Due to Kaine, she ends up becoming a shut in during her last year of highschool.Akako is very protective of the people she loves, she often has a punk attitude, but she gets scared easily. Akako loves her mom, and hates Kaine.Akako's dream in life was to get married before she passed away. Her dream never came true.She loves cooking, going on walks, dressing up, makeup, and so on. Her hair is naturally white, due to Kaine Syndrome. She loves Dragon Quest, and hates MOTHER.


Eleanor is a 13 year old girl, she comes from a experimental planet in the year 34XX. She struggles with Autism.After her best friend gets kidnapped, she goes on a adventure with her friend Tinder to get back her friend. Overtime she loses her ability to speak, but her actions speak louder than words, as she goes above and beyond to help the people around her.She doesn't have any powers, however she uses a special ocarina her father gave to her before he was tragically murdered.Eleanor's resilience and love for her best friend is what keeps her motivated to keep going, and to continue.


Elias is the twin sister of Eleanor. She is the leader of the mafia, and strives for universal equality, justice, and unification. Her personal beliefs is that everyone deserves a second chance, and can change.She tends to hide her gender using her clothing, due to growing up with a stigma that women can't do what men can. Elias is very protective of Eleanor, treating her as fragile treasure. Yet it's very difficult to break Elias. She seems calm in almost every situation.She keeps her head high, and does her best for the people, her family, and what's best for the environment.


Reign is a parasitic being who is the predecessor of the Queen Hive. His goal is to study humans, and overtime blend in by collecting body parts.At first, Reign was blindly obedient, completing the tasks that was given to him. He did it without question.Overtime Reign begins to pity his victims, and wants to become human, and help them.Reign has a particular soft spot for women, because of their emotional vulnerability. Reign is a curious boy and is very fascinated with humans, his goal is to one day help humanity with this parasitic species.Reign is a quiet character, who often shows his love by doing chores for the people he loves.


The Doctor is a woman created by 100 human souls, and is seen as a savior to the tribe of youkai she was created by. She is seen as a godly healer, and a last resort due to her birth.She teams up with some friends to explore the layers of hell, in order to try and find an escape.The Doctor herself is outgoing, and stupid. She often makes pathetic mistakes that cost the life of others, but despite this she tries her best to improve. She has a soft spot for fluffy things, and kids. She wants to protect them, especially since she grew up in a environment where everyone looked up to her.The Doctor is only 1 year old. Her knowledge is limited, but she has the memories of her past selves.